Biology of Kundalini A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy    

Blood Sugar and Glycation


Protein is especially vulnerable to attack by free radicals. Much of the structure of our cells is protein, in fact 70% of the body’s dry weight is protein. Muscles, enzymes, hormones and neurochemicals mostly protein. The loss of a single electron from a single atom in a molecule can result in a chain reaction of adjustments that renders the protein molecule useless. Since there is increased free radical production during active kundalini if we try to emotionally cope with the awakening by overeating fruit/sugar/carbohydrates then nerve damage and increased glycation will result. Glycation occurs when sugars react with proteins resulting in damage that is just as detrimental as free radical damage. In fact higher levels of blood sugar increase oxidation damage by free radicals, and this interferes with all metabolic processes including cell membrane permeability, receptor sensitivity and even energy generation systems, not to mention nerve transmission.

Through my own experience and dream-insights I found that the strength of the body's protein structures determines whether one's kundalini awakening is successful or if it just creates more health and mental/spiritual problems. And the strength of our protein structures is determined by how well we have built our cells, our mineral reserves and the status of our blood sugar. High blood sugar, means weak protein structures, and the kundalini moving through weakened protein structures creates free radical cascades. That is the structure of protein that has been weakened by exposure to high serum sugar cannot convey energy/light to the degree that intact protein can and cannot repair itself as a well.

In The Quantum Brain by Jeffrey Satinover he states that the reason proteins can arrange themselves so fast is that the electrons quantum tunnel. Quantum tunneling is when a particle travels faster than the speed of light through another particle. That is one instant an electron is here, then it simultaneously turns up somewhere else. Quantum tunneling is observed in water and DNA as well as in protein. (Also the tendency of water to form hydrogen bonded networks is also important in the self-assembly of complex proteins.) The movement of protein molecules are the basis of life, and these movements are generated by quantum processes. Satinover says that these quantum effects are intrinsic, impossible according to classic physics and almost certainly necessary for life to be possible at all.

Intact protein can superconduct consciousness more coherently permitting increased depth of spiritual consciousness. We could say that such a person’s spirit was “stabilized” in the matter-ial realm. Our bodies are actually superconducting instruments of spirit. To paraphrase myself: “protein that has been weakened by exposure to high serum sugar cannot convey “consciousness” to the degree that intact protein can.” Not to mention that some of the body’s own antioxidants are proteins, thus the body is able to maintain its integrity when blood sugar level is kept to the optimal level.

Insulin is anabolic; it promotes fat storage by facilitating the uptake of fatty acids by fat cells, and reducing lipid oxidation in muscle tissue. When we eat carbohydrates, blood glucose (sugar) levels increase. Since the blood can only safely hold about a teaspoon of glucose, insulin is released to lower blood glucose by storing a small amount in the liver and muscles as glycogen. Once glycogen stores are filled the sugar is turned into triglycerides for fat storage.
Hyperglycemic fasting-levels of blood glucose are around 126 mg/dL and hypoglycemic levels are at 70 mg/dL. After years of excess carbohydrate intake, blood glucose levels tend to increase as insulin becomes less and less effective at bringing them down. This insulin resistance is evident in hyperglycemic, pre-diabetic symptoms, and is so prevalent in our culture that it is taken as a “normal” sign of aging. But insulin resistance is not found in cultures eating little starch and sugar and longevity scientists consider insulin resistance caused by over consumption of carbohydrates/sugars as a major cause of aging itself. Insulin resistance includes the production of antibodies against insulin that lead to lower than expected falls in glucose and decreased sensitivity of receptors to insulin, so that sugar remains in the blood for long periods of time. During advanced hyperglycemia pancreatic B-cells are unable to produce adequate insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels.

When a diet is high in fat some of the receptor sites for insulin become coated with an impermeable layer of fat there by rendering insulin less effective. In this way fat people become insensitive to their own insulin and so they secrete abnormally high levels. Blood sugar levels then accumulate leading to hyperglycemia or diabetes.

Insulin is the hormonal key that enables sugar to leave the blood stream and enter the cells where it is broken down to provide energy. Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar results from too much simple carbohydrate such as sugar, honey or molasses in the diet. Because these simply sugars cause the pancreas to over react and put out too much insulin which in turn makes the blood sugar drop precipitately. If the diet is also high in fat hypoglycemia can develop into diabetes.

Because an overweight persons muscles are insensitive to insulin (insulin resistant) they reject the glucose circulating in the blood. This glucose then finds its way into fat cells and becomes triglyceride (fatty acids). Ironically the person with the least need for stored fat accumulates it the fastest. Low fat diets improve the insulin mechanism. For every fat cell you produce and fill up, the body has to produce more insulin in an effort to keep the fat cells nourished. Besides preventing the mobilization of stored fat, excess insulin also prevents the release of Growth Hormone. And as we know plentiful Growth Hormone keeps us slim.

Several studies have shown that thyroid hormone is associated with glucose intolerance resulting from decreased glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. This defect in insulin secretion is believed to result from an increase in the rate of apoptosis (programmed cell death) of pancreatic beta cells as a direct effect of thyroid hormone excess.

Members of the Calorie Restriction Society who restrict their daily intake to 1100 to 1950 calories had insulin levels that were 65% below average. Meaning their risk of diabetes was almost nill and insulin resistance and glycation damage must be radically reduced compared to the average person. By eating a nutrient dense diet while reducing calories they expect to live 120 years. One of the reasons why restricted calorie intake works to promote life span is because it reduces the amount of blood glucose. High levels of blood sugar (glucose) damage body protein by a process called glycation. High concentrations of sugar combine with protein molecules to form advanced glycosylation end products, or AGE's. AGE particles act like glue, binding protein molecules together to form a rigid lattice network know as cross-linking, thus accelerating aging and leading to many of the symptoms of diabetes. These large protein molecules can inhibit the functioning of the immune system, blur vision and cause damage to the kidneys and lungs. Researchers found that chromium supplements can produce an equally extended life span without such dietary restrictions.

Chromium picolinate: With age insulin resistance increases, and glucose tolerance declines. Chromium picolinate lowers glucose and insulin thereby increasing lifespan. Chromium also aids in cortisol receptor sensitivity. Chromium picolinate helps the body metabolize fats, carbohydrates and proteins and might be an excellent addition to metamorphic supplementation to reduce the sugar craving that can result from the body burning huge amounts of energy during kundalini. Chromium, manganese and B vitamins are important in blood sugar regulation. Brewers yeast, alfalfa, whole grains, liver and Spirulina are good sources of these nutrients. Supplementation with Chromium picolinate can reduce blood glucose levels by 25% and glycation by 60%. Like chromium Vanadyl Sulfate also enhances the actions of insulin and improves glucose tolerance by restoring muscle and hypothalamic receptor sensitivity to insulin and improves blood sugar control by enhancing skeletal muscle insulin sensitivity.

Crosslinking reduces flexibility, elasticity and functioning of proteins, and can initiate harmful inflammatory and autoimmune responses. It is implicated in all degenerative diseases. Glycation wreaks havoc on all body tissues including connective tissue collagen, arterial collagen, kidneys, lens of the eye, immune cells, nerve myelin proteins and in the circulating low-density lipoprotein (LDL) of the blood. Crosslinking of the myelin sheaths makes them rigid, which impacts on the nerves themselves leading to tingling, numbness and pain. As free radical damaged proteins and other macromolecules are crosslinked into useless heaps they collect in the cell as blobs of lipofuscin or age pigment. The more age pigment we accumulate the poorer cell function becomes and the few years we have to live. These age spots are also called the Browning reaction.

Alpha lipoic acid is a unique antioxidant because it prevents the attachment of sugar to protein, a process known as glycation or crosslinking. Alpha lipoic acid prevents and may even reverse the attachment of sugar to collagen by allowing better metabolism of sugar in the cell, preventing its buildup and also by allowing the body's natural repair mechanisms to work better. In other words, it prevents the accelerated aging of collagen by protecting it from sugar's toxic effects. In fact, when alpha lipoic acid is taken orally, it protects all of the proteins in our body from glycation and helps cells take up sugar and use it for fuel much more efficiently. That explains why alpha lipoic acid is extremely effective with the symptoms of diabetes. Insulin resistance has also been associated with people diagnosed with depression. The antioxidant alpha lipoic acid has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity and is used to treat people with diabetes and depression.

During the duration of the acute awakening all sugars and carbohydrates should be avoided except sprouted seeds and grains, vegetables and our fruit intake should be restricted to no more than 10% of our diet. High glycemic vegetables like corn, potatoes, beets and carrots need to be carefully restricted also. If our diet has historically consisted of lots of simple sugars and starches then 1 piece of fruit a day is about all the sugar we should allow ourselves, so we can rebuild strong protein and keep a healthy free radical/antioxidant balance. Note that for epilepsy it is recommended to have a diet high in fats and low in carbohydrates.

The glycemic index is a measure of a carbohydrate food's ability to increase insulin production. I recommend that everyone going through a kundalini awakening acquaint themselves with the Glycemic Index. Because the glycemic index measures how fast a food is likely to raise blood sugar, and so is useful in regulating the intensity of kundalini and the free radical load on the body. For example if we eat too much high glycemic food the fire of kundalini increases along with the symptoms. This in turn freaks the cells out and we become emotionally unstable and can go into a panic attack. During which to self medicate we are likely to resort to more high glycemic food to try and "separate" from our numb out. Then begins the secondary story-making like "why me," "this has to mean something," "poor me I have to endure this all alone for no reason," etc...

A good book on the glycemic index is "The New Glucose Revolution," Jennie Brand-Miller, Ph.D.

The more we set up a stable rhythmic circadian timetable for the care of our cells, the more they will be reassured that everything is ok, even while they are in complete overhaul. If we freak out and resort to addictive coping mechanisms then our cells not only have the work of metamorphosis to deal with, they also have the metabolic results of our emotional and substance abuse to deal with. It goes without saying that this reactivity puts a heavy inertial burden on the evolutionary process and results in organic disease and arrested spiritual developmental.

Increasing the sugar content of our diet in response to the cellular hunger we feel during kundalini will increase the brain and neuron damage that occurs. In a similar fashion hyperglycemia increases the damage that occurs during stroke. Hyperglycemia-related increase in the size of stroke damage in animal studies has been blamed on impairment of mitochondrial function and increased acidosis. Glutamate, in particular and dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA) and serotonin (5-HT) are all released in large quantities during blood loss to the brain during strokes (ischemia). How extensive the damage due to ischemia is related to hyperglycemia, increased brain tissue acidosis, accumulation of extra-cellular glutamate, increased blood-brain barrier permeability, swelling due to water retention and decreased vascular reactivity. The bottom line is that high blood sugar increases brain damage due to: acidosis, AGE's and glycation, accumulation of extra-cellular glutamate, increased blood-brain-barrier permeability and impair mitochondrial function.

During the first fall season after my July awakening I got so hungry that I would be propelled to go for fast walks and laugh at how hungry I was. But I intuitively knew that food could not satisfy this hunger. At the time I thought I was just ultra-sensitive to the energy of the trees draining down into the roots for winter. Not to denounce the super-sensory abilities of those with active kundalini, but I think the answer is less ethereal than that. Without my knowing it the summer of my awakening had set up a huge neurotransmitter and hormone debt that my food supply was inadequate to address. Now of course, if I had an awakening I would know to adopt mega-nutrition supplemental program of herbs, antioxidants, nootropics and amino acids.

Dandelion greens, bitters and all greens in general will help curb our sweet tooth and help build strength in our body's protein structures in order to endure kundalini with greater ease and efficiency. The stronger the body's protein structures the less dispersal and friction of energy--the deeper and more smoothly the awakening will proceed. Free radical damage to the nerves is caused when blood sugar is poorly regulated. Stevia might be a useful addition to a kundalini diet if one has a craving for carbohydrates and sugars. Green juices including parsley increase the body's antioxidant Superoxide Dismutase (SOD).

Sulfur containing vegetables such as alfalfa, asparagus, cabbage family, mustard greens, garlic and fruits such as figs, papaya and pineapple prevents the glycation of the blood. Zinc is essential for DNA synthesis, SOD and insulin production, because of increased cell growth and immune function during metamorphosis the demand for zinc must go up. Zinc is key in the entire hormonal system and immune system. 15 milligrams per day is recommended; sources include grains, brewers yeast, wheat germ, seafood and kelp.

The GI index of fruits and vegetables:

  • Apple 38, Banana 55, Cantaloupe 65, Cherries 22, Grapefruit 25, Grapes 46, Kiwi 52, Mango 55, Orange 44, Papaya 58, Pear 38, Pineapple 66, Plum 39, Watermelon 103.

  • Vegetables: Beets 69, Broccoli 10, Cabbage 10, Carrots 49, Corn 55, Green Peas 48, Lettuce 10, Mushrooms 10, Onions 10, Parsnips 97, Potato (baked) 93, Potato (mashed, Potato (new) 62, Potato (french fries) 75, Red Peppers 10, Pumpkin 75, Sweet Potato 54.

  • For stabilizing both low and high blood sugar: Onions, Garlic, Oats, Barely, Sunflower seeds, Cashews, Olive oil, Celery, Spinach, Carrot, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Blueberries, Cranberry, Burdock root, Nettles, Horseradish, Mugwort, Suma and Dandelion.

  • To reduce sugar cravings: And raise blood sugar levels and cure mental fatigue take Glutamine and Cofactors: Folic acid, B6, and vitamin C. Skullcap tea taken throughout the day will stop the craving for sugar. Another sugar craving cure is 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil, take with Magnesium, Zinc, B6, B3, C. Chromium Picolinate cuts carbohydrate cravings in people with depression.

  • Overcoming Insulin Resistance: Vitamin C (fat and water soluble forms), Vitamin E (both d-alpha and mixed tocopherol), N-acetyl-cysteine, quercetin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, B3--Niacinamide, Biotin, Chromium Picolinate, Cinnamon Extract. Vanadyl sulfate, by mimicking the actions of insulin, helps the muscle cells uptake glucose (instead of fat cells (adipocytes) uptaking glucose). EFAs: help with triglycerides use Organic hemp seed oil and fish oil. Bitter melon (Momordica charantia): reduces fasting & postprandial blood glucose without increasing insulin & appears to enhance tissue sensitivity to insulin. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenicum-graecum): reduces fasting blood glucose without increasing insulin. Gurmar (Gymnema sylvestre): Helps to reduce blood sugar levels. Fibre: reduces fasting blood glucose without increasing insulin; Psyllium reduces postprandial glucose and insulin levels. Exercise: Enhances muscle sensitivity to insulin.

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Creative Commons License©2006 Biology of Kundalini by Jana Dixon
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