Biology of Kundalini A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy    

The Provita Plan


After many years of researching nutrition, I finally found a low stress eating plan for sensitive conditions like kundalini awakenings, and for life in general. It works with the body's pH biorhythms for the best utilization of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, while producing the least amount of toxins and free radicals and wasting the least amount of energy.

The system is laid out in Dr. Jack Tips, book "The ProVita Plan, Your Foundation For Optimal Nutrition." Following Stu Wheelright's 5+5 meal plan, it is essentially focused on eating protein and vegetables for breakfast (preferably between 7-9am) when the body's pH is in an acid cycle. This leaves the body ample time for protein digestion, utilization during the day when we are moving around so lymph can bring amino acids to the tissues for building. Then overnight the body is cleansed more thoroughly and sleep is better, because the body is not made acid by protein intake later in the day.

The ProVita way is to not eat protein after 2pm and to not eat it with carbohydrates. The carbohydrate portion of the diet is eaten later in the day as it produces serotonin which tends to make us sleepy anyways. Some people have their evening meal as just fruit salad, which is after all the most cleansing and easily digested thing to eat before night. Instead protein is eaten along with vegetables in a 5+5 fashion. One cooked protein source and 4 raw proteins are eaten along with one cooked green vegetable and 4 raw vegetables.

"The point about timing the major meal is quite simple. Protein foods are best introduced to the body early in the day, so they become available when we want to be active and productive. Carbohydrates and alkaline foods are best eaten in the meal preceding sleep, because they are more sedative in their effect. These foods also support the cleansing of the acidic metabolic wastes during sleep." ~ Jack Tips, The ProVita Plan, p.174

It takes approximately 8 hours for proteins to be digested, assimilated, humanized by the liver and made available to the cells, provided that the liver is healthy. So exercise is best taken 8 hours after the protein breakfast meal. The lympathics can then deliver proteins to the cells during the building cycle, which lasts till around midnight, then the body switches to cleansing cycle. Proteins eaten later in the day interfere with the cleansing cycle, create hypoxia during sleep, have missed out on the building cycle and become toxic wastes which the body has to expend a lot of energy and resources in order to get rid of. Then with the extra toxic load the body tends to want to continue cleansing till 11am the next day to cleanup the residue from yesterdays maldigestion.

The 8-hour metabolic cycles proceed as follows:

7am--3pm: Process nutrients (eat, digest)

3pm--11pm: Use nutrients (build, exercise)

11pm--7 am: Cleanse cellular wastes (rest)

The Pro-Vita system builds strong protein metabolism, strong adrenals, avoids blood sugar fluctuations and makes for a higher energy, more productivity and positive emotions. Eating carbohydrates for breakfast works against the body's natural pH cycle, exhausts the adrenals and sets one up for energy crashes, addictions and lowered immunity. Carbohydrates provide quick superficial energy but because they create weak tissue integrity they do not build vibrant health.

This weak tissue is exactly what you don't want when kundalini fires mega-volts through your system. So it stands to reason that we should work with nature and eat a protein breakfast so that it is ready for the anabolic-building phase, and consume carbohydrates later in the day. Doing this one thing we can master a kundalini awakening so much easier. Ideally we should aim for strong tissue integrity prior to awakening kundalini, but if its already awakened the need for disciplined, mindful attention to building integrity is vital to our survival and preservation of health and spiritual welfare.

"If we work in accord with these natural cycles. Nature rewards us with better health and longevity. If, in contrast, we fight or live in conflict with our natural cycles, then dispassionate nature allows only the survival of the fittest." ~ Jack Tips, The ProVita Plan, p.110


  • Our diet should give us more physical and essential energy than we had before eating?

  • Because we live on the "energy" in our food, the ionization of food is an important factor. High quality growing method, and freshness from the field is vitally important for this reason.

  • How we transform our food into energy determines the quality of our energy.

  • Eat protein early in the day, in small portions, with a variety of vegetables, with a small amount of high quality oil, without carbohydrates or liquids and do not snack of protein.

  • Protein digesting enzymes are available in the morning. If protein is eaten later in the day the enzymes have to be constructed which deprives other enzymatic functions.

  • Protein toxicity must be cleansed through the bowel, lymphathics, liver and kidneys causing a lot of stress on the body.

  • Proteins generate an acid field, and if eaten late in the day acid pH interferes with the sleep cycle, depriving the brain of oxygen and causing tossing and turning.

  • 70% of the body's dry weight is protein. Proteins in addition to providing energy, build tissue and healthy immune system, while carbohydrates do not build and refined sugars destroy.

  • Use low-stress proteins, that is those with short chains of molecules that are easy to digest. (High-stress proteins include meats, cooked cheese, unsoaked nuts, peanuts, unfermented soy beans).

  • Low-stress proteins include: soft cooked eggs, feta cheese, raw milk cottage cheese, miso, tofu, tempeh, slow cooked (ie: without boiling) sprouted wild rice, slow cooked sprouted beans, shellfish, scallops, shrimp, fish, soaked blended nuts, blue-green algae, sea vegetables, sprouts, green-coconut milk, organic beef and chicken.

  • Quinoa has excellent reserves of protein, and like the other non-grains buckwheat and amaranth, is not missing the amino acid lysine, so the protein is more complete. Quinoa offers more iron than other grains and contains high levels of potassium and riboflavin, as well as other B vitamins: B6, niacin, and thiamin. It is also a good source of magnesium, zinc, copper, and manganese, and has some folate (folic acid).

  • Prepare proteins in ways that makes them easier to digest such as fermenting, marinating, slow/light cooking, steaming and poaching as opposed to frying.

  • 65%-75% of the Pro-Vita system is vegetables, yet it is crucial to focus on the proper administration of protein as the difference between sickness and health.

  • Vegetables assist with protein digestion/assimilation/elimination. They add enzyme-rich bulk to buffer the concentrated acid-producing proteins. Act as an intestinal broom and prevent putrefaction. At least 65% of vegetables should be raw to conserve enzymes.

  • For proper cellular metabolism we require the correct fuel, correct pH, the correct oxidation rate and the clean removal of metabolic wastes.

  • Excessive amounts of animal or vegetable protein are destructive to the body, affect pH and ultimately lead to disease.

  • Protein toxicity occurs from eating unbalanced, heavy proteins, at the wrong time, with the wrong combinations of food and with low lymph movement from lack of exercise.

  • Dietary stress weakens the gastrointestinal mucosa, inhibits the liver's function, clogs the lymphatic system, taxes the kidneys and damages the heart and brain.

  • pH is perhaps the most important biological factor, because all process in the body are pH specific. pH deviations mean we may not get nutrition from food due to dormant enzymes that need a certain pH in which to work.

  • At 7.46 pH the blood is able to transport the most amount of oxygen and carry off the most amount of metabolic wastes. pH governs the oxygen supply to determine the rate of metabolism.

  • Insulin functions best at a certain pH range 7.79-8.02. Insulin controls how much glucose enters the cells and thus regulates the fuel supply and metabolic rate.

  • Essential fatty acids, active in metabolism and protein building, are derived mostly from seeds and nuts. Expeller pressed flaxseed oil like Barleans is also added to the diet around 2 T per day.

Those undergoing a radical awakening may need some other books by Jack Tips:

  • The Next Step To Greater Energy--A Unique Perspective on Bioenergy, Addictions and Transformation

  • Your Liver--Your Lifeline!

  • PassionPlay, Manifest your dreams with the 7-minute mirror technique --this is the very best manifestion book out there.

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Creative Commons License©2006 Biology of Kundalini by Jana Dixon
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs2.5 License.