Biology of Kundalini A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy    

Kundalini Practice Skills List

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With a kundalini self-care program we are literally capturing the energies of nature and putting them into the cells!

Kundalini will permanently rewire the bodymind to release the stored tension of the body armor, but one has to be physically/mentally/emotionally and spiritually developed enough to handle the kundalini. If there is a significant loosening of the armor without sustained integral practice and intent, then the armor will reinstate itself and rubber band back into place. Following are tools of self-recovery for the dispossessed self--for all we do to our self in the form of contraction, denial, negation, abuse, shaming, neglect in an attempt to avoid our True Nature. This set of kundalini coping skills is gleaned from spontaneous arising solutions stemming from many years of process, and merely hints at what is possible.

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Intro to the Inner Arts

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The interior self is the new frontier.

There is as much potential to journey into the infinite depths of our internal space as there is to explore outer space.

The Inner Arts are a tool we can use for inner exploration and self-communion as well as for relieving stress/trauma and removing blocks/voids from the bodymind. If undertaken as a daily practice the Inner Arts are some of the deepest and fastest spiritual-healing work there is to embody the Self. The 3 STEPS--Cardiomuscular Release (CMR), Psychospacial meditation (PSM), Neuroemotional Reprogramming (NER). are preliminary training for a much deeper JOURNEY--PsychoSomatic Release (PSR). Inner Arts practice is realignment therapy for freedom from bodymind holding. It works to achieve Ground zero of emotional neutrality and equanimity, it also removes discordant static charge and consequently frees the evolutionary impulse from the inertia of the past.

The experience of finding Psychospacial Meditation taught me that peace resides in the enteric brain (i.e.: solar plexus). From that I realized that our true power and empowerment arises from building and substantiating that "belly peace" by entraining the brain, heart and enteric brain in sympathetic resonance. It was then apparent that it was receptivity or biological worthiness, which was the major key to establishing both the Peace of Power and the Power of Peace through the incarnation of Presence!
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Cardio Muscular Release (CMR)

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In 1997 I was massaging people in California and I found many would come to me with scattered brains. I asked myself how to get rid of brain scatter, because my brain would start resonating with their brains and it was just real irritating to work on scatterbrained people. A month went by and while in bed one night I did a three-step jumper-cable holding technique on myself. As soon as I did it, I realized I had discovered what I was looking for--a technique to get rid of brain scatter I called Cardio Muscular Release (CMR). CMR works on increasing the conscious and vibratory connection between the heart and the sympathetic trunk running either side of the spine on the neck and thorax. It is the only thing I have found to get rid of brain scatter and to unlock the neck and shoulders from the inside out.

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Psychospacial Meditation

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One night I was playing around with my Eye of Mind and discovered a subtle and powerful meditation technique.

It appears that if one focuses the Mind's-Eye:

  • Clarity--occurs as a single-point in front of the two eyes.

  • Maturity--is at the top of the forehead.

  • Serenity--is at the temporal lobes above the ears.

  • Joy--is found by focusing the mind's-eye at the nostrils and following the breath there.

  • Happiness--(the absence of closure and sadness) is found by focusing at the crown of the head and this lifts sadness in the lungs/throat/diaphragm.
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Neuroemotional Reprogramming

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Power from Peace--Worthiness from Power--Presence from Worthiness--Gratitude from Presence--Trust and Faith from Gratitude--Reverence and Equanimity from Trust and Faith.

Neuroemotional Reprogramming (NER) is allowing, resetting and fine tuning the body's vibrational resonance, in order to grow the neurochemistry and neurons (dendrites) for the Universal bodymind. NER enhances the embodiment or incarnation of transcendental spiritual qualities/states such as peace, empowerment, worthiness, gratitude, trust, faith, reverence and equanimity.

In the stepped down nature of our daily lives we often do not get to experience the conditions needed to spontaneously generate these higher vibrational states. Therefore we need a "daily practice" whereby our bodymind becomes trained and accustomed to generating these frequencies. With this meditative therapy not only do we make up for the absence of emotional and spiritual nourishment during our developmental years, but after our NER conditioning is stabilized to higher emotional resonance, we find that our lives change in direct correspondence to the new resonant frequencies we embody. We thus radiate higher spiritual dominion both in our own behavior, thought, attractiveness, and in our energetic influence over the behavior and responses of others that come in contact with us.
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Psychosomatic Release

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An advanced decontraction journey for dropping the painbody (armor/shell/ego)

The philosophy of the Inner Arts practice is self-disclosure, self-meeting, self-communion and self-melting.

By the mind's eye I mean the kinesthetic felt-sense and directional focus of the brain. This feels like a connection between the third eye region and the brainstem. While directing the mind's eye, the closed eyes point in the direction you are focusing on. Thus you can even look out through the back of the eyeballs and down into the brainstem, or in any other direction of focused intent.

Following is the full version of the Psychosomatic Release, however as a shorter daily practice you might simply track the blockages through the neck-shoulders and torso, then the thyroid, jaw and pulling the tension out of the head via dropping the tongue into the belly.
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Primal Release Pose

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Primal Release Pose addresses two of the major blocks in the body armor--The two areas in the bodymind where the reins on our spirit are pulled most tightly by the entrenchment of ego's defenses are: The diaphragm and the Iliopsoas muscle complex. If we can release these, we can free ourselves from the crippling effects of trauma, denial and the accumulation inner and outer negativity. It is these two somatic blocks that lead to the unconsciousness and inertia resulting from dissociation. Since these blockages are set up in order to curb emotion, we cannot be emotionally authentic without opening up these two neuromuscular areas...and in doing so the Heart is then given preeminence in our psyche. This primal contraction release for the lower body involves contorting the body in a yogic pose to compress the diaphragm and psoas, waiting for an emotional discharge to occur, then breathing and pressing into the muscular spasm that occurs when the pose is dropped.

Figure 3: Primal Release Pose

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If you go through a full-on awakening with the dark nights and die-offs and dissolution of the brainbox, chances are you would not be able to keep your current stable life--everything can fall away. During my awakening I didn't have a job for 10 months. However, even in the midst of such upheaval there is the possibility of being supported in unconventional ways. People "should" pay a lot to a body worker that is in the throws of an awakening because their scalar-healing energy is enormously greater at this time, and bodywork is thus truly transformational for those ready to receive it. One spiritual practitioner I massaged was so ready, he had a 3 day die-off after a session. Others complained of feeling too much love while on the table, because my system was opening them. I cannot begin to express to you how contagious kundalini energy is. Because of the perturbation of normal levels of consciousness however, the results are never predictable.

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Welcoming Belonging Therapy (WBT)

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WBT is a form of self-nurture in which we emotionally reparent ourselves to improve sovereignty and self worth. I would say all children born into patriarchal families where the mother relied on the husbands wage packet would need to have this therapy. In the patriarchal system children were born as extensions of the parents fear and egos, they were not seen as spirits in themselves...their needs where not "felt" as the parents played out their roles. Any woman that relies on a man for livelihood of her and her children is bound to be somewhat of a parasympathetic freeze...because she cannot speak her mind or point her life in her own direction...she thus becomes more infantile and helpless herself. Babies are then not blessings born of self actualized people but are burdensome chattels born to ensure the mothers dependent livelihood. The whole setup relies on and breeds the unconsciousness abdication of self-responsibility, autonomy and freedom.

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Conscious Embodiment Practice

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Mitochondria and our other cells are just as sensitive to emotion, thought and sense of being as the immune system. Incarnation is one of the hardest tasks imposed on us, the instinct is to back away from the edge of our incarnation. We tend to hang out halfway here on planet earth, not sure if we want to stay or go. To the degree that we do this, our immune system and mitochondria are diminished.

If you turn your feeling-sense, emotion and thought toward coming forth in "good faith" to the n'th degree without hesitation or doubt, then you will automatically increase both the strength and the number of mitochondria and immune cells.

I am proposing conscious and fully intentional incarnation, as a form of mindfulness meditation in consort with breath. Imagine...Embodiment practice or purposeful incarnation! Not as a visualization or affirmation, but as an allowing, a letting the universe permeate one's being to the max. When you do this you can actually feel your cells respond.
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Creative Commons License©2006 Biology of Kundalini by Jana Dixon
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