Biology of Kundalini A Science and Protocol of Spiritual Alchemy    

Superfluidity And Kundalini

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In my opinion kundalini awakenings are associated with a tumescence of the "blueprint" of the bodymind. Within this amplified morphogenic field the cells set about reorganizing themselves to convey the upsurge of consciousness or Spirit. During this period of increased spiritual field there is greater vibration, rhythm, correspondence and communication between atoms, cells and organs. This is tacitly undeniable to anyone going through a kundalini awakening. In fact it is this intensification of sensation and function coupled with the abrupt breakthrough into expanded states of awareness that is most disturbing about the experience of kundalini, for we are so used to living in the half-death of collective conditioning. This higher integration is concurrent with increased psychic, extrasensory abilities, such that as we integrate our internal organism, we delve more deeply into the collective interiors of the human race and the globe. Through the elevation of the personal we access the transpersonal and tune into the Global Brain.

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Electromagnetics of Kundalini

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The body's EMF requires ions in the air through which to flow. The higher the ion count the higher the flow in the EMF. The higher the EMF flow, the higher the energy generation of the cells and the higher the energy of the nerves, which means a correspondingly higher EMF flow as well. The EMF or nadi egg comprises the sum total of the body's energy generation and conductivity. This explains why we are automatically more connected, awake, intelligent and spiritual in high negative ion environments. That is around moving water, in forests, in the country, the mountains and in sunlight. Our EMF has more of a medium in which to flow and this ups all the energy exchanges in the bodymind. Modern cities, deserts and much of our technology, transportation and architecture are anti-evolutionary for this reason, for they lower the ion count of the air and increase the % of positive ions we are exposed to. (see The Ion Effect by Fred Soyka and my book on regeneration for more ion info).

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The Bio-Lightning Effect

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Louis: "A few days ago at about 5AM, while in my bed, lightning struck my right hand. It was the most pain I've felt all at once, truly like lightning. It wasn't from the sky and it wasn't of God. This was not Love. When this thing hit me I immediately got to my feet, reeling, and flung myself out of my room crashing hard into the door-frame, cutting myself and smashing into the walls and a chair fighting with everything in me for my soul. I swear to you this is how it felt. I was overcome by a malevolent spirit that meant to harm me. I think for a few minutes I was dead, not alive because when I tried to feel my heart there was nothing beating in my chest. I went to the hospital just to be sure there was nothing wrong with the body and of course they said "you're fine.""

"There was no appliance to electrocute me in my room and I have caps on the outlets. I have been happy lately, really happy, and I'm not on any drugs either. I'm very skeptical and nothing like this has ever happened. At first I thought it was I who had crossed some line with God, and I got zapped, but now I think it wasn't anything I did. God doesn't do THAT."

Kundalini shows up in the weirdest of ways and human lightning is one of the strangest. What must have happened to Louis is his body built up a charge, static electricity is actually composed of "separated" opposite charges. The polarity in his arm might have switched over at 5 am as the pituitary gland proceeded to set the body for the waking state. The ions in the air in his bedroom must have provided the means for the Zap, as the charge was trying to ground itself. So he was rather like his own thunderstorm.
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During certain phases of metamorphosis the entire skin of the body radiates, it seems to shine with an inner light. Some of the causes of light emerging from the skin of those illuminated with kundalini is the UV from extra cell division, microwaves from tissue under stress, more electrons transmitted through proteins resulting in photon emission and an increase in scalar waves due to the higher morphogenic field/EMF.

Directly following an Inner-conjunction the body looks like it has been fried or electrocuted; probably due to the fact that NO is a free radical gas. The body is so electrically charged that one's hair sticks out. Plus the irises of the eyes are lit from within by an internal light. It might be due to extra cGMP from the radical NO metabolism of the inner-conjunction, for cGMP is involved in retinal phototransduction. This is perhaps due to free electrons or photons generated within super-charged proteins (see quote by Stuart Hameroff). This heightened flow of electrons through the interiors of protein molecules could be the source behind the luminous glow (aura, halo, aureola) of spiritually lit individuals. When kundalini and bliss is up, there will always be an associated glow to the skin.
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"As the nadis become filled with prana, the body becomes rejuvenated from within. It becomes strong and firm, with all the suppleness of a child." P.28, ~ Swami Muktananda, Kundalini, The Secret of Life

Prana is a Sanskrit word literally meaning 'life-force' the invisible bio-energy or vital energy that keeps the body alive and maintains a state of good health. Prana is similar if not identical to Wilhelm Reich's orgone energy, which he believed to be in constant motion, nonentropic and responsible for the creation of matter, and serves as a medium for electromagnetic and gravitational phenomena. There are many terms for subtle energy, including Od, orgone, scalar waves, prana and tachyon and etheric energy. In various places around the world the lifeforce has been called: Japan--Ki, China--Chi, Greece--Pneuma, Polynesian--Mana, Hebrew--Ruah--Breath of Life, Egypt--Ka.

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Figure 1: Time, Timelessness and the Self

Perturb our present point awareness and "depth" of consciousness percolates to the surface. Or deeper layers of consciousness percolate to the surface and perturb our present point awareness. This loosens our sense of linear time. Through Kundalini with its expansion of consciousness and increase in communication between the brain hemispheres, our life comes to a conjuncture. The time current from the past and the future seem to collide in an experience that is "out of time." In Kundalini our awareness and senses are greatly expanded. Our emotions and experiences are more extreme than we could possibly imagine. It truly is the realm of miracles, when our life reaches that critical apex where the past and the future touch infinity. They say on a quantum level time runs in both directions, but this experience of the nexus of our lives cannot be expressed in words.

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Biological Relation to Zero-Point Energy

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At the ground of matter there is the Quantum Field, or Void, Vacuum, Zero-point Energy. At the ground of mind and thought there is Sunyata, Emptiness, Void, Absolute Unity Being.

A description of zeropoint:
“The field of cosmic consciousness they experience as a cosmic emptiness—a void. Yet, paradoxically, it is also an essential fullness. Although it does not feature anything in a concretely manifest form, it contains all of existence in potential. The vaccum they experience is a plenum: nothing is missing in it. It is the ultimate source of existence, the cradle of all being. It is pregnant with the possibility of everything there is. The phenomenal world is its creation: The realization and concreatization of its inherent potential.” 155
Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything, Ervin Laszlo.

 “Laszlo proposes that it is scalar waves that encode the information of space and time into a timeless, spaceless quantum shorthand of interference patterns. In Laszlo’s model, this bottom-rung level of the Zero Point Field—the mother of all fields—provides the ultimate holographic blueprint of the world for all time, past and future. It is this that we tap into when we see the past or future.” 174,
The Field, Lynne Mc Taggart.

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